Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Resilience Factor

i read it and would like to share it.

Here's a list of practises that can help you beat and ward off stress
1) Plan to plan
- Planning is key to success. Plan by day,week,month and year. Check your daily schedule every morning. Preview your week on sunday nights. Furthermore, preview the next month on the last few days of a month. Moreover, prioritise tasks using A-B-C theory. As need to be done. Bs ought to be, Cs can wait [facebook]

2) Use the buddy system
- Ask a buddy to pull you aside when you're raising your voice. This can make you aware of the behaviour you are trying to avoid.

3) Call time-outs
- When you feel anger/frustration, go to a quiet place to regain your composure, cool yourself down. Think what do you want to change and your options again.

4) Develop healthy arrogance
- Nurture your self belief by reviewing your past success, the times when you overcame obstacles

5) Delegate ruthlessly
- Relinquish tasks other can do, focus on what you can do.

6) Prioritise you
- Make sure sleep and exercise are your biggest priority. Stop working after reasonable hours.

7) Respect the unexpected
- It's important that you are able to recognise your mind/body signs of distress, such as muscle tension, rapid pulse, sweaty palms or irritability. Identify the causes if they strike.

that's it

tomato-sauce: men's health 09/2009

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