Wednesday, April 8, 2009

time to make a wish list!

ekekeke, i have this urge to write a wish list today, maybe it's due to the sudden urge to own things.

so, here goes, my wish list:
  1. a new computer, desktop or laptop, i dont really care, but preferably laptop. ahaha. As a developer, personally think that i need a more powerful laptop to run all the development kits. a Lenovo IdeaPad Y530 fits perfectly. Wakaka
  2. a new phone, PDA for management and scheduling. Frankly, i am not impressed with the iPhone, it's just an overhyped device. i'd opt for a HTC or Moto A3100. affordable too.
  3. longer break/holiday
  4. Money to shop. i've been wanted to change my wardrobe, not entirely of course. i just want to add a few more shirts, a few pair of jeans, some accessories, shoes and parfum. muahahahaha! :D
  5. Albums. Paramore's and the Stroke's
  6. Gatherings and dinners with dearest friends. Life's short, we should hang out more often!
  7. i know that this is quite impossible. but i always wanted a car, be it used or new. Public transportation is not as convenient as i thought.
  8. taste all the carbonara dishes out there.
  9. a new gym membership. i dont think i need to explain the benefits of exercise here ya.
  10. Lastly, i'd hope that you, my friends to be happier, stop being so depressed. im here, if you need someone to talk to.
cheers! =)